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My Thinking

“Life, he realize, was much like a song. In the beginning there is mystery, in the end there is confirmation, but it's in the middle where all the emotion resides to make the whole thing worthwhile.”

Oh My God! What an amazing Author!!!!! I love him <3

     The quote above completely characterizes the experiences that this semester had in store for me. There were so many challenges that I am proud to have overcome. The journey was like a constant roller coaster ride that has your fingers slowly slipping off the bars as your eyes widen to anticipate the moment where you can no longer hold on. I was honestly terrified that I would hit that moment when the workload would prove too daunting for my efforts and I would slip in a situation that had no clear end in sight, buried in papers that weren’t even halfway finished. Part of this fear manifested itself from the fact that majority of the time my personal life riddled my brain and the head trauma that I received early on in the semester made focusing as easy as climbing Everest during a winter storm.

This picture is a way to further illustrate my idea of the roller coaster. In case you had not realized I would be the guy in this picture.

     The fear further grew from the realization that these challenges that I found myself encountering were far beyond the expectations that I would have ever conceived. Coming from a course concealed in empty promises and easy A’s, taught by a teacher that made the fact that she wanted no real part in our education extremely evident, I anticipated a semester filled with lies in all regards toward helping a student grow as a writer, and a teacher too focused on life to truly try and counter that assumption. To my utter disbelief my previous statement proved inaccurate and I found myself in the company of a professor with a cheery disposition and a workload, which in normal aspects would be reasonable, seemed to fill up the Grand Canyon and have my aching head gearing up to take my chances with Everest.

The picture above this one reminded me of my love for anime and I realized that I had to post at least one picture of my favorite anime of all time. 


This is what I would look like climbing Everest, except blue, and the guy on Lavi's shoulder's (Allen) would more so just be all the weight that I had felt on mine. 

     My head injury quickly left me overwhelmed and I felt as if I had found myself in a limbo with no way out. My overall goal for this course, keeping this situation in mind, was simply to trudge through the work load the best I possibly could and somehow emerge victorious in the end, baring my teeth in virtually any aspect to signify the finish. In all honesty however, I did prefer the idea of smiling next to a warm fire filled with happiness and joy (acing the class) over the image of a tooth chattering stiff that barely made it through the blizzard (barely passing the class); if we’re keeping with the analogy.

This would be how I would feel passing the class, and if I had just successfully climbed Everest... I mean come on that things huge!!!


I suddenly want a smore...

This is how I would feel if I were barely passing the class... I hate to be all gloom and doom, but if I looked like that I highly doubt that Everst was a success, just saying.

     My goals prior to the injury however, were much more personable and related more to the writer that I was deep inside. As a person who has deeply loved writing for as long as she can remember, I wanted to become a better writer. I craved to have the ability to excel at an activity that had always proven to be the most helpful and therapeutic escape at my disposal. I prayed for the skill set to finish the books that I have continuously started and deleted since I was 10 years old in fear that my words would fail. I needed to learn how to trust my decisions and believe in the product that I had worked so hard to produce. I wanted to uncover the techniques that would have an audience wide eyed from the lack of sleep that they had as a result of every captivating word I had to offer. I had a goal, when you consider all the things that I have just stated, to discover my writers’ voice.

Writers' voice, Singers' voice, Ariel lost her voice!!!! You get it???

Speaking of voice, this guy has such a sweet voice and is my favorite character from my favorite show... SUPERNATURAL. Couldn't help but let uou fall in love with Jensen Ackles.

     As the semester continued, my attitude and my belief in my abilities pulled a complete 180. My goals were slowly one by one beginning to become met, and as a result of that I developed a new found strength within myself that would not let the excuse of having a brain injury hinder my growth as a writer. I have believed, for so long now, that when you’re passionate about something that means that you’re willing to fight for it, and this was no different. I realized how much becoming a better writer meant to me, and how it was something that I was definitely ready to put up a fight for. With this new positive outlook emerging I found myself loving the idea of being in class and learning new and different techniques that I could utilize and test out in the future.

COMPLETE AND 180 are too separate links, make sure to click them both!!!!!!

     The entire experience has been a tremendous growing process. I have seen so much improvement not only in myself as a person, developing a better self-esteem and learning to trust my decisions, but also in myself as a writer, developing a skill set that has made me look eagerly at the idea of starting those books again. I refined my understanding of concepts behind writing, acquired a new found vocabulary that continues to build every day, and discovered a completely new outlook on the revision process were I look forward to looking over my work realizing that it will only get better. This class has given me confidence in my abilities as a writer and has left me satisfied that the skills that I now possess will only further my mastery of the subject.

The quote above is something that I live by. I'm thankful for the tools that I now have and for the tools that this knowledge will teach me in the future. 

As my time in the course ended, I smiled at what I learned and am grateful for the experience.

Hey I said that!

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