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Showcase #1

     The first piece that I have chosen to showcase, the “This I Believe” essay, is the first major writing assignment that I had worked on in this course. A simple personal writing piece with roughly 500 words should be extremely easy, I thought to myself, but it in fact proved to be just the opposite. I am an immensely structured writer that is known to be particularly anal about altering and adjusting the way in which I write, which is rarely if ever personal, and this piece forced me to do just that. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and in that way allowed me to broaden my horizon and produce a piece that I am thoroughly and exponentially proud to have created. This piece ultimately became an extension of the person that I am, not just in the words that tell my story, but by the writing itself which showcases the monumental versatility that had evolved within myself as a writer.

Click to read My Writing

(Downloads a Word Doc of my This I Believe Essay)

Showcase #2

     The second piece that I have chosen to showcase, the Nacirema piece, was one that highlighted a concept that I have believed for years now. I believe that there is immense “Power in words.” That exact phrase was what I wrote on the first day of this course when asked to describe writing. It is a concept that I hold deep to my heart because I truly believe that words have the power to do extraordinary things. Horace Miner highlighted this power when he wrote about the “Body Ritual among the Nacirema.” The writing was an excellent portrayal of just how powerful words and word choice truly are by having individuals read about their own culture and claim their own practices to be taboo because of the words used to describe them. In this piece, I was given the opportunity to mimic the work of Miner and create my own Nacirema piece. I combined my love for words with my love of music and created a piece that showcased a concept that I will always hold true.

Click to read My Writing

(Downloads a Word Doc of my Nacirema Piece)

Showcase #3

     The final piece that I have chosen to showcase is my Inquiry Project. This piece was the last major writing assignment that I had in this course and thus its only rightful place is to be showcased as the ultimate illustration of my growth as a writer throughout this year. This assignment is a blend of all the techniques that I had as a writer previously, as well as all of the techniques I learned to enhance my writing. It showcases all the aspects of writing that I have mentioned above, the developing of my versatility, my belief in the power of words, as well as my personal love of music and psychology (my major). It gave me the ability to showcase who I was as a writer and allowed me to explore an outlet that has the possibility to deeply connect to my reader. As a person who has loved writing and all the power it possess, who has written a multitude of blogs and who hopes to one day release novels that inspire people I am thankful for the opportunity that this assignment, this course in general, has allowed me to develop. I truly believe that throughout this year I have grown not only in my writing, but within in myself, and this piece highlights just that.

Click to read My Writing

(Directs you to "My Inquiry" tab)

This was a great inspiration for my essay. ^The Fosters^

I love that show!!!

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